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168 Homeopathic Journal*
guides the Homoeopathist, as unerringly as the magnedc needle the
storm tossed mariner ; and sustaina the same relation to legitimate
and scientific medicine, as the law of chemical affinity does t»
science of chemistry, or the law of attraction to the science of as*
So far as a Physician prescribes in accordance with this law,
so far he is a Homoeopathist, and no farther, whether he gives large
doses or small ones, sweet pills or bitter ones. One thing how-
oyer is certain, whoever prescribes in accordance with the above law
of cute, will soon see the necessity of losing much ^iHer doaits
of medicine, than he who has no odier guide than the conffictii^
dogmas of the past, or the hap-hazard prescriptions of the present
Allopathic practice.
It will be admitted by ail sensible and reasoning persons, that of
all medicinal agents, no two can affect the system in the same, or
identical manner, for the reason that no two are composed of the
same, or identical constituent elements ; unlike causes cannot pro-
duce like effects, all things being equal. Another equally indis-
putable law must be recognized, (viz:) that medicines are elective
in their action, i. e., each medicinal agent acts upon particular parts
of the system : thus Ipecac acts upon the stomach, producing nau-
sea and vomiting; jalap, rhubarb, &c., acts upon the lining mem-
branes of the bowels, producing catharsis; opium and other remedies
of that class upon the brain and nervous system ; and the set of
symptoms produced by each particular article, will each be di&reat«
Now these, and aU other remedies, act in accordance with elective
law, always and invariably ; whether taken into the stomach, in-
haled into the lungs, in the form of vapour, and odoriferous parti-
cles applied to the surface, or injected into the veins. Thus calo-
mel applied externally produces salivation, as certainly as if taken
into the stomach; tart, emetic injected into the veins, induces vom-
iting, as surely and in smaller quantities, than if taken internally.
Tobacco smoke inhaled produces all the poisonous effects of that
weed, as many can from experience testify, and so with all other
rf^edies. Now, we may take any two remedies that act upon the
s^epattof die organism, and give them to an individual in a
stale of bealthi or disease, and we shall find the syoif Umkis differin
B^mmopathi^ Journal. Ittt
pkt ad widely as the remedies themselves differ ia component qnal*
itlei; thus opiom and alcohol act upon the brain ; yet who cann«(
readily detect the difibrence in the symptoms developed by thaaa
agents ? The red and bloated face of the brandy toper, and th«
pale, haggard and deathly appearance of the habitual opium eaten
Who that has taken cathartics (and who has not,) but can car-
^ to the difference in action between rhubarb and jalap. If thaa
aH medicines are elective in their action, and each produces symp-
t^ns peculiar to itself, what is the nature of the impression mad«i
by which symptoms are educed! we answer that all agents capable
of affiscting the organism at all, must be stimulants or incitantai
({.€.) tliey must act by virtue of a poiitire principle ; and the firit
impresMon is but an increase of action, or stimulation, sedative
effects may arise, but only in consequence of debility, from excea-
sive or long continued stimulation ; hence each drug produces a
distinct set of symptoms, or drug disease, varying in intensity
from a slight impression, that readily passes off on discontinuinf
tjie cause, to a violent and persistent drug disease that rapidly de-
stroys the part, and ends in death ; or obliges the patient to ling0r
out a miserable existence, worse than death. The impression, or
drug disease being governed by the quantity administered, the time
of its continuance and the condition of the parti as to health, upon
which the medicines acts. Hence we say each medicinal agem
produces, when taken into the system, specific effects, (in other
words,) a drug disease, '*sui generis ;*' thus rhubarb produces diar-
rhea ; ipecac vomiting, calomel salivation, &c. Now this impres-
sion or drug disease is modified by various causes, such asage,8ez>
habits of life, etc., but chiefly by the condition of the part upon
which the medicine acts. We may give a man in health three
or fpur grains of opium, without producing fatal effects, and so we
may if he has inflammation of the bowels, or lungs, but if he have
inflammation or congestion of the brain, every intelligent Physician
would tell you at once, (whether he was Homceopath, Allopath, er
atiy other path,) that you would kill your patient, and for the best
ef reasons, opium will produce a similar set of aymptoms,ordis-
t ease, So we may take two or Uiree grains, and even more of tartar
emetic; vomit perhaps pretty aeverely and recover without dificul^^
ItO HomoMfpathic Journal
but should we take the same amount, or even le6fi, when the stomacb
is acutely infiamed, the effects would be speedily fatal ; becauae
you would produce a disease similar to the one you wish to cura.
The above fatal eflfects arise not from the simple fact that you have,
given these remedies, but because you hav^ given them in ioolarga
doses, by which you have produced far too violent an impresaioiXi
or drug disease, and your patient has died, not from a natural,, but
from an artificial tlisease, (i. €.) secundum artem, (according to art,) by
far loo frequently the case. It is a well established fact, that two
dTislinct diseases cannot exist in the same organ, or tissue, at one
and the same time, (see John Hunter, M. D.,) but one either cureS|.
or suspends the other, (no person ever had measles and small pox at
the same time, or measles and scarlet fever ; these being diseasei
of the skin but different in their origin and nature.)
'Now, what Homoeopathy proposes to do, and does, is, to give a
medicine that acts upon the part diseased, thereby producing a med-
icinal disease that shall overcome and cure the natural one. But
in doing this should we give the larger doses of Allopathy, wo
should invariably kill the patient, the susceptibility of the part
to the action of our remedy being so increased by the close similar *
ity existing between the disease or the impressions made by the
morbific agent, and that which our remedy would produce. Hence
the small dose of He mceopatby, and the highly salutary effecta.—
We give our remedies in quantities just sufiicient to produce an
impression strong enough to overcome the diseased action. But
if our remedy happens to be given in too large a dose, we are sure
to make our patient worse. ^
Thus In cases of inflammation of the skin produced by heat, (scalde
and burns,) we cure by applying hartshorn, (aqua ammonia,) or hot
spirits turpentine, as recommended by every Allopathic writer, and
every one that has tried it fairly is decided in its favor, (see Druit'e
Surgery). In inflammation of the eyes, where is the Allopathist but
uses as an application weak solutions of sulphate of zinc, (white
vitriol,) or nitrate of silver, (lunar caustic,) or some other remedy^
that if put into the healthy eye strong enough, would produce inflam*
mdtion. Here experience, (not principle,) has taught them the true
law of cure; and all the cures they effect they owe to ^'similia
ffo myopathic Journals 101
_« * ' " ">
•imillbuB curantur.** The reason they do not cure all cases of
Opthalmia, is, that some cases arise from internal causes, and re-
quilre internal remedies, different from calomel and opium, bleeding,
wnetics, etc. Now if disease of external organs are cured on Homoe*
dpathic principles, why cannot those of internal organs be as well?
Surely they can be, if we use the remedy that acts upon the part
Aseased, and give it in proper quantities. The same law must gov-
ern the cure of the affections of internal as of external organs.
AH disease impairs the vitality and healthy tone of the part af-
fectedv and varies from the slightest deviation from health, to the
complete death of the affected part. Now, by giving a remedy that
produces a gently slimulattng impression on the debilitated anddeE-
cate structure, (capillaries,) of the part diseased, we gently yet cer-
tainly induce a healthy action without any waste of the forces of
iife. But, eays an objector, Homoeopathy is an exclusive systerH.
"Why exclusive ? Is it because we are guided by one invariable la^
in all our prescriptions ? Then is chemistry exclusive, for the law
of chemical affitiity underlies all the operations of that science.
Then is Astronomy exclusive, for the law of gravitation is its basEs
-atid guides the Apironomer in all his calculations. Homoeopathy is
net exclusive in articles of medicine, but her materia medica
ranges through the three kingdoms of hature. The coarsest and
the finest metals, the lowly flower that opens its humble petals %o
the invigorating zephyrs of early spring, and the tall and stately
monarch of the forest, all come within her broad and searching
investigations, and yield up their rich treasures in harmony with
her therapeutic law. I have now stated briefly what constitutes
Homoeopathy, and will proceed next, if possible, to tell what
Allopathy is.
This is a difficult task. ' Tis something— Nothing. 'Tis ^
compound of all systems, yet without system. Even HomcBopathy
has not escaped her thieving propensities. The Allopath is des-
titute of any principle to guide him in his prescriptro^n^, andachnia-
isters a remedy because somebody has said it has cured an appar-
ently similar disease, and often this somebody hasbeen a person
entirely ignorant of. disease. Thus Dr. Eberle ia his practice ^
medicine, (voh 1, page 404,) says he first learned the raltto of
192 H^mmopatkic Joum^.
itrhmoniiim (Thorn apple,) in Rheumatism, from an old female wb»
had successfully employed it in a case that had foiled all hit effiurtK,
and a very large proportion of the prescriptions of Allopathiats
have an equally scieniific origin. But as I have found it difScuk
to tell vrhdit Allopathy is, and being willing to do justice, I will Jet
some of her favorite writers speak. Dr. Frank, an eminent writir,
aays, thousands are annually slaughtered in the quiet sick rooOL
Dr. Evans says, the medical practice of our day is at best a most
uncertain and unsatisfactory system ; it has neither phikwophy nor
common sense to commend it to confidence. The celebrated Ar»
Bush, of PhiladelphiSt saya, we have done little more than multi]^y
diseases and increase^ their fatality. The truly great Magendte says,
let us no longer wonder at the lamentable want of success wluch
Viarks our practice, when there is scarcely a sound philosophical
principle among us. Dr. Abercrombie says, we own our system
defective, and the action of our remedies in the highest degree
uncertain. ,
Now, let it be remembered that the writers above quoted were aU
0mine9a Allopathic Doctors; grown gray in acquiring (as they \
kad, ) an accurate knowledge of the accumulated wisdom of tbrae
ttiousand years, and engaged largely in its practice. Similar quo-
tations mighi be made from a far greater number of Allopathic
writers, not one of whom could be charged with the slightest leati-
iQg towards Homesopathy, btU were the best of ''regular Doctora.'*
Surely its greatest enemies are among its own household. And in
the fiace of all this and much more, men who refuse to adopt its
absurd dogmas, and puke, purge, bleed, and blister, are called
macks, ("Jew, I thank thee for that word,'') infidels and fools ; and
ill who refuse to swallow their nauseous doses are regarded as ene-
aaies of "chuich and state." I will close this article by giving a
table contrasting the two systems :
Homoeopathy is founded upon
an immutable law, that governs
M her prescriptions.
. HomoBonathy seeks to effect
aiires by giving one remedv at a
time, and in a dose no larger
than is just necessary to over-
'^ome diseased action.
HamoBopatby aacertains the of-
Allopathy has no rule to gov-
ern and guide in her prescriptions
but the sayings of tne past and
of old women.
Allopathy seeks to cure dis*
eases by giving from one to ten
or even more remedies at a time, ^
and in doses that oflen produce ^
dangerous effects*
HonuBopathic Journal 169
fects of remedies by careful ex-
periments upon the healthv.
Homceopathy cures disease
wf&Ottt any loss of the vital
Homwepathy is the true sci-
9ac% ^ medidne, for, lika other
•oiences, it rests upon an immu-
tabk law.
Allopathy ascertains the effects
of remedies by experiments upon
the sick, and upon cats, dogs,
rabbits, &c.
Allopathy, by her violent
bleedings and other evaonents,
often sapa the vevy fountain ol
Allopathy is the art of Phy^
sic and has ne law even for th«t.
All we ask is, "prove all things and Hold fast that which is
good." We speak as unto wise men. Judge ye.
E. H. DRAKE, M. D.
A stone has been ordered by the American Institute of Homoeo
pathy for the Washington Monument. The stone has been ob-
tein^ from the quarries of Meissen, the birth-place of Hahnemann,
asd is a beautifnl specimen of syenite rock. It is to bear the fol-
lowing inscription :
** From Meissen, Germany, the birth-place of Samuel Hahne-
mann ; presented by the American Institute of Homoeopathy.**
Messrs. Editors of trk Tribune — Your paper of the 16th
contMnsan article, in reply to my former articles, signed " Eclectic,**
wUeh reouires at my hands a short notice.
An Eclectic physician is one who selects from the various sys-
tems such measures and remedies as he finds most efficacious in the
treatment of diseases. It is self-evident that in order to be able to
select the best, from the different methods of treatment* the physi*
cian must be acquainted with them, both theoretically and praeti-
cally ; for he certainly cannot select from that of which he has no
knowledge. It follows, as a necessary consequence, tbat the best
Eclectic physician is the one who is best acquainted with all the i
different systems of the practice, and he is certainly the best qualified
to teach Eclecticism. If this is not true, then ignorance is essen-
tial to qualify a man for an Eclectic physician ; and 1 shall show
that it is essential to keep one in the ranks of the so-called
Every honest physician must be, and is, an Eclectic physician,
i as far as his knowledge extends ; that is, he selects from all the
measures and remedies known to him, such as he conscientioualy
164 Homaopathie JowmaL
believes will cure his patients" with the most certainty and safely ;
and to suppose that any one would not do this, where the life of
his fellow-man is at stake, is to suppose such a degree of moral
depravity to exist as I am slow to admit.
Within the last few years a class of Allopathic physicians huve
sprung up, who take upon themselves the name of Eclectics ; thttlis,
they select from the various sects of the Allopathic schools — regulars,
Thomsonians, orUriscopians,8Uch tieatment as they find most suo^
cessful ; and doubtless they make a very good selection from their
measures, such as bleeding, blistering, irritating, steaming, heating,
freezing, burning, emetics, cathartics, diuretics, stimulants, tonics,
alteratives, dec. ; but when you get out of these disease -creating mea-
sures, and talk of cuiing disease without making sick, why, their
eclecticism does not extend to that. Well, we have a very respectable
medical college of these self-styled Eclectics at Cincinnati, Ohio«
Three or four years ago the Trustees of that institution took it into
their heads to establish a chair of Homoeopathy ; whether their mo-
tives were that their students might understand, or be able to expose
this humbug, 1 know not. Or. Rosa, a celebrated Homoeopathic phy-
sician, was appointed Professor, who occupied the situation one
lecture term, when they found as a result, that a goodly number of
their students were convinced of the truth of the new system. Thip
was too much, and Prof. Rosa was dismissed ; so that the institu-;
tion is now 1 believe, purged of its Homoeopathic doee, and, from
the commotion which it created, I suspect that they will not try ^^
another dose soon. And may it not be that the result of that ex- \
peiiment is what has so frightened our Allopathic Professors at
Ann Arbor, at the prospect of having a Homoeopathic Professor
appointed in our University ?
Now, I will ask your writer " Eclectic," if students who listened
to Dr. Rosa's lectures thereby obtained a knowledge of the
new treatment, are not as well qualified to practice Eclecticism
as those who have no knowledge of Homoeopathy ? In fact
understanding Allopathy, Eclecticism and Homoeopathy, is it not
evident that they are a great deal better qualified to select the
good from all? and if he now finds them recommending and.
using the Homoeopathic treatment exclusively, simply because
they find it more succesful, is it not his duty to profit by the
lesson thus taught him ? and will his patients be satisfied, or
ought they to be, wit'h his neglecting so mani(est a duty towards
th«n ?
Homoeopathic physicians, then, are the only true Eclectics, and
the only ones competent to teach Eclecticism ; for they can teach
all that is really valuable ** in any and every system ;" so that
"Eclectic" will have his highest idea, in regard to the appoint-
ment of a Professor of his school, more than realized when a He-
moeopathist is appointed.
Horrmopaihio Journal, 16l»
** The Homeopathic system is so perfect," and its practitioners
are "so successftil," that all other systems aife *• tumbling int6'
chaos," as is abundantly manifest, from the want of confidence
generally felt in the doctors of the varipos Allopathic systems, and
&e general scramble among their patrons for Patent medicines,'
instead of applying to their own Physicians for adviee and treat-
raent. HomcBopathic physicians alone retain the confidence of
their Mends, for they alone can cure without making sick, or cure
with any degree of certainty ; and sooner or later they " wiH be
borne by a grateful people, to all the chairs at the college building
of the Medical Department of the State University at Ann Arbor."
Your correspondent, Eclectic, seems wonderfully afraid of a
paper warfare, but thinks it would all be " well enough if it was
among physicians only, but when you attempt to excite the svmpa-
thies of those Who are not judges, because they ha\'^ not made
medicine their study," why it is dreadfuL Yes, dear people, only
pin your faith, in medicine, upon the skirts of some Allopathic
doctor, who sticks close to the "combined wisdom" of the dark
ages, and spurns all innovations, and you are safe. You may lay
bare your arm to his lancet, writhe beneath his blisters, swallow
his poisonous drugs at the risk of life, but do not inquire the why
and wherefore of what you are doing. O, no ! And, if your Allo-
pathic Doctor should do, as thousands of such physicians hsfre
done, investigate Homoeopathy, and testify to its superiority, aad^
safety, do not trust him, although you are no judge yourself, yet he
cannot be a safe judge, because he understands both sides, he
knows too much,
•The time has come when the community must judge between
the two methods, or pin their faith, blindly, upon the one or the-
other ; and if they are to pursue the latter course, whi^h would be
the most rational and safe, to risk the Homoeopathist, who under-
stands both methods, and can, therefore, select from either, or the
Allopathist who has no knowledge of the new treatment ? The
Allopathist is not ready for a paper discussion, for fear the deaif
people will become enlightened ; whereas the Homoeopathist courts
it. Having a scientific and rational treatment, he thinks the peo-
ple can, and should understand it, that they may be qualified to
judge rationally. The arrogant and bigoted, who have made a*
subject their study, are not always the best qualified to judge, for-
** having eyes they see not." The judgment of a proud Jewish*
priesthoed, upon ♦he merits of a dilspensation of truth taught to the
world, has been set aside by an enlightened posterity, for that of
ignetant Gentiles and poor fisharmen.
The day has passed, when either doctor or priest can command
a blind obedience, for the rigkt and necessity for private jtidgmeot is
claimed by intelligent persona, and will not be surrendered. Al^
CKD, art least, look around them, and judge as to the i^omparative
sttccess of the two methods of treatnyent, and they can try ^ Hem»
%M Hommopathic Journal.
Cftq>«thic treiUinent udoq themttlveB, and judge as to the efftcte of
the remedies, and if they find, as thuusaiKis will testify, that A&y
«re cured of diseases witk more certainty, without leaving a&y
traces of the treatment behind, and even cured of diseases wfaieb
Allopathy cannot cure, we fancy they will continue to do whM
diousands are now doitig — ^judge for themselves — apply where they
can get cured. PaoauBSt.
—Iktroit DaUy Trtbunt.
The trustees of the Mississippi State Hospital at Natchez have
af pointed Drs. Davis and Holcombe, homcoopathists, physicians
and surgeons of that institution for the year 1654. The trustees, it
is said, think themselves justified in the act by the successful treat*
ment of yellow fever by the new school of medicine. This has
hedn a long established allopathic hospital, and its passing over to
the homoeopathic auspices will, no doubt, create considerable
sensation in certain quarters. — Detroit Inquirer.
We copy the above as a beautiful commentary upon the course
pnfsned by the musty old fogies who, as Regents of the University,
dteiive the disciples of Hahnemann, in this State, from acquiring
a Knowledge or the *' healing art," through the influence of the
medical department of that institution. For years have the h&m-
caopaths of our State been knocking at the door of the University
am asking of the Regents the appointment of a Chair of Homos-
Sathic Theory and Practice, in its Medical Department, but to no
bet Their prayer is unheeded and they have been spumed btm
that boasted State Institution as the *uncircumclsed dog/ We are
hi^y in the belief that the day is not far distant, when the people
la their sovereign capacity will right this matter, and the medical
department be opened to different creeds in medicine, as the others
arOs to religion. 'Little pills' are silently but potently woriting
their way to public confidence by their superior success in conquer-
ing not only yellow fever, but every other virulent fonn of disease^
and our faith in their efficacy is such that we do not despair of their
influence yet reaching the disease of the Regents. — Eaton Rapidt
The Homoeopathic Dispensary, for the benefit of the indigent sick,
will be opened on the Ist of January, at No^ 50 Court street,
Brooklyn. The expenses of the institution are to be defrayed by
iobseription, making those who pay two dollars members, with the
privilege of voting anfl sending patients to be prescribed for.
The number of Homceopathic praetitionen in this State is said
to be ujmards of 300. The 83r8tem is extending rapidfy.^^CAf^
turn Intelligencer^ N. Y.
a^mm^fm^de iffmnikd. 1^
Fmb the Detroit Daily Advertiier.
Detroit, Dec. 22d, 1868.
Mr. Editor : — I notice in your paper of the 21st inst., a state*
ment that many of the citizena of New Orleans are providing them-
selves with pieces of copper, to be worn to prevent cholera, at the
suggestion of Dr. Burg, of Paris, who claims to have just made the
discovei^ that copper is a {>reventive of that disease. A wiais
dectot, ukis Dr. Burg, who claims as original with him a discovery
whkh was made more than twenty-five years ago, by one Samuel
Hahnemann, and published to the world in every language of
tiurope, and not only known to every homceopathic physician,
'btttalio stated in every domestic work on homoeopathy. Perhm
^ame twenty-five years hence some wise phyittcian will make m
discovery that veratrum album, which is another homoeopathic
remedy which has been in use more than twenty years for that pur-
post, is a preventive of the cholera, and recommend the wearing
.a> sack of it around the waist Dr. Burg has, doubdess, mdBj
ladies among his acquaintances who use homoecpathic remedies, to
whom he might apply, if he is afraid a little '* oook knowledge'*
would do him harm, who could teach him a much more scientific
I method of unng copper than wearing it in plates armind the body.
They could inform him that it has answered every purpose since
1830 when taken in the form of a few homoeopathic globules, which
would appear to be a much more elegant and sensible method of
amng it. Well, the medical world is certainly making progress.
Those who claim to be *' regulars'' have made the discovery th«t
copper is a preventive of the cholera, and we may reasonably
hope that they will fi^nd that it is also a remedy for this disease ; or,
as hasdeeopadiists would say, one of the remedies. They aie juit
beginning to learn that Belladonna is a preventive and remedy for
scarlet fever, after it has been in use thirty or forty years for this
purpose by homoeopathists.
The instance of Dr. Burg ia one of the boldest in which a *' p«»-
tender to medical science" has appropriated the knowledge of
another and palmed it off as his own ; but in this instance, the fact
being previousif knovm to nearly one-third, even, of the non-
medical eitiaaiM of Paris, it can only bring its pret«iided aullMlr
into merited contempt and derision.
lis JSkffm$faMe^ Joumtd,
This gentleman has been making himself particularly obnoxious
to " old Physic" of late, it would appear. Their growling has foand
utterance at last, through the medium of the Detroit Medical
Society, as published in the Peninsular Journal oC Physic for April
That Doctor Allen should fall under the ban of that sapient
body, for expressing any thing like liberal sentiments upon the
subject of Medicine, is not surprising to us. We understand who
breathed their own decaying life into that organization. We know,
too, that nothing is palatable to those fossil curiosities of an
obsolete system, except what savors strongly of the must and dust
of the dark ages.
" Great is Diana," shout those- ancient oracles ; *' down with all
heretics,*' echo a numerous band of juvenile imitators, whose
highest aspirations are satisfied by an approving nod, or smile, fj^m
their fogy leaders. The head and front of Prof. Allen's ol^diof^,
consists in his publishing " Observations on the Medical platform,
am Introductory Lecture,'^ delivered before the class, at the com-
mencement of the last Univer»»ity term.^
The document is forcible in style, bold and manly in its exposure
and denunciation of time honored quackery, and» on the wholo,
pfOT^ the wjiter to be a man of ability, with a decided leaning !•
young physic. Our opinion is, that the Detroit Medical Society
had better tread rather lightly on the Professor's corns, for he can,
if he choose, present them with a file to bite.
On page 20, the Doctor thus discourses :
<* Men of the present time, accustomed to inquiry, wandering <i
into the region of medicine, cannot fail to be struck with surprise^
t^t«#k>w anti^utted arefthe ^eltpojis Which its ptNtfeiijsed supporters
vse^m its defem^. Lmngtrmhs^ breathe the chill atmosphere' of
tW im\ih^ dxoping coriottsly aboot, fnvcsttgators may discoirer
ti^MMs of Kfe axnoitg muitittMlinouB fossil ferm«il». The waves of
pilft amiqmty have piled the shoreis with curious images where MT
W krt its impf^s, and instead of pmnting to idtal truths and*
iiaibiortAl lila^feroes, with LfcurgtBs i&fm^, *^ These be the walls of
Spuria,'' we creep behind the reliefs of old time and say, *^ These
be our walls." Strange infatuation to ding to the mould^ng^
sk^ms oi efiete ages, whilst the presei^t conceittrates in one intense
fociiSf tbeJight and beat of all time. But the day for shums has
past l^me has been when the Persian enemy could route th^
SgyptSans by putting an aneay of cats' and ichneumons in the Tan
of tlmi army, which, as th^ii am^ent tutelar deities, the poor Egyp-
tians dare not attack. But the superstition has been laid aside*
wiih the things that were, and hereafter let the enemy beware of
trusting in cats or ichneuQions !
What matters it if we trace our lineage back to Hippocrates^ of
Appolo even ? Is truth the offspring of years, or is it not rathei.
sprung of God and Nature which are eternal ?
What mattera if we boast the light which has shone along the
professional highway ? The poor candles that grievously needed
snuffing even in the day of their bearers, may have smitten us with
a blindness compared to which that of Saul of Tarsus was clear
On page 22, we find the following, which is a fair sample of the
whole production.
" There can be no real belief unless the sincerest toleration, even
of the most strange, fanciful and erratic of opinions, is safely esta-
blished ; unless the most full and complete examination by whom-
soever inquirer is freely permitted; unless the most careful
c<»mparison, dictated by whatsoever mood of mind, is most perfectly
Why should medicine ask for other favor ? As well may the
oak say to the pine, <* I am better than thou,** as Medicine strive
to invest itself with a pseudo-sanctity, which the unsparing hand
of progress has ^stripped from eYery other system, every other
^i]UOD» every other belief.
1^ S^mmptttkk J mkm i t *
Bene ^nitktj^stmndp§int0f9mo. JMbdioiM m to be lot hwi
iqpM and atwiied, pr^oUely as jii ^h/H aito Md sdraoM aea l>idV«4
i;pon and 9tiidUd« Tbe troths apon itfakii it ia aiaumol to M
ln^fd* «re to be tartad aa all other tniths are tested ; and «rhea thaf
CMaat abide the sama»lat tlum be mercUesdj dtacardod. A Ullla
diwRoad ia better than a caekj menntain. It the science or m€
Ar\Ak by the ^looets indicatod, into lew imposing ^bnenslons, tet
it be so ! Better is it to be a tmall but living seed than a tetton
trattk thou^ of cidossal magnitode.'*
Strang as it may appear to the uninitiated, for prmg expression
to tbe ab^re, and other self-evident triiAs in his introdocloiy, Dr.
Allen has been arraigned and voted oat of dte pale (^ OrthodM
GeanniBiioii, hf die Detroit Medical 8ocietf . This body of s^
oonatHnted ceftt(»s, appear, we are soriy to say, to be laborbg
mider the same chronic hereditary malady^ that proved fatal bot a
biief period since, to its great progenitor, the Sydenham association.
These Esculapian's in council assembled, " with mien austere and
corfi^;ated brows," expressed their indignation against the unfortun-
ate heretic in the following language :— -
Sesolved. — ^** That the Faculty of Medicine in the University of
Michigan be requested to state whether, and to what extent, as a
hoiy^ they entertain, approve, or sanction, the expression and dis-
semination of the dogmas, or doctrines, paradoxes, or opinions^
contained in said lecture." Carried.
(Signed) Morse Stewart, Pret't.
Edward Batwell, Sec*y. .
Drs. Gunn, Brown, Davenport, Robinson, and Johnson, voting
against it.
If any evidence, or illustration, was necessary to prove that the
Detroit Medical Society was conceived* brought forth, and directed
by *' fogies," they have themselves put it on record* We commend .
this feeble bantling, of sickly parentage, to the kind attention and
fostering care of the *' Corporal," and would respectfiiUy sugg^i^to
himj that it be ^rged- with^ hysaop.
H^mm opa tkk J0mrmd, lYl
This disease seems to hare beetme somewhat acclimatdd to tlM
United States^ and has appeared in various localitiest for the laat
Aree or four yeanrs. Although but few cases, comparatirely, oceur,
gtill those seem to have lost none of their severity nor of the marked
dhatacteristics of the disease. A few cases having already occurred
this season, it is not improbable but that this disease may prevail
to some extent during the summer, although we do not expect much
of it ', for it is only as it first reaches our country from the East, in
its periodical migration, that it di^Iays its foil epidemic influence.
We propose to make a few remarks upon its treatment, and con-
trast the two methods, and to show the quackery of the one and the
science of the other.
When the cholera first visited Western Europe it encountered
the skill of the entire medical faculty of the most civilized nations
of the world. The dreadful fatality of the disease amid the barbar-
ism, ignorance, and jungles of Southern Asia was well known ; but
it was thought, that if it should visit Europe, the votaries of the so-
called scientific medicine, who boasted of the accumulated wisdom
of 3000 years, would give it a warm reception ; and dbarm it of
its terrors. What was the result ? devastation and death followed
in its wake ; from one*third to two-thirds of all who were attacked
with the disease died ; statistics proved that more died under their
treatment than died without any medicine. No law or principle
was known in the administration of remedies, but the most absurd,
opposite, abominable, and foolish measures, and remedies, have
been used from that time to this, according to the whims and
caprices of the various so-called regular physicians. Bloodletting
has had its advocates, as though the patient was not sufficiently
prostrated by the disease. Opium and astringents are even no^
used by almost every allopathic physician, without any regard to
the well-known law of the human system, that the organism, or
vital energies, react and produce the opposite symptoms to theao
caused by any agent or drug ; therefore, the primary action of dwe
remedies being to cauie c^veneas^ the reaction reenlt* im i|»
172 Homeopathic Journal,
increase of the cholera symptoms, besides paralyzing, to a great
extent, the nervous systenit "O&en tendering recovery hopeless, in
this rapid disease. Calomel, mustard emetics, and cathartics are
frequently used, as if there was not in this disease already enough
of vomiting and purging. And lastly, stimulants, which have des-
troyed more lives than war, pestilence, and famine, are generally
used, in this disease, to hasten patients down to the grav^, in
accordance with a well-known law of the system, which should be
known to every tyro in medicine, — that all excitement, caused by
stimulants, is always followed by corresponding depression. Ye
simpletons ! who continue to recommend and use stimulants in this
disease, tell us if the habitual drinker is stronger than the temper-
ate man ? or if delirium tremens is an evidence of high health ?
These are the legitimate effects of stimulants ; yet you who profess
to be scientific men, par excellence^ think of curing a patient in the
collapse of cholera, which has been brought on by a loss of vital
fluids and energy, by stimulants. Patients may get well in spite
of your treatment. Have your ablest writers or doctors, we will
not call them or you physicians, any confidence in your treatment of
the cholera? we will let one of your own writers answer in one of
your standard works. In Watson's Practice of Physic, published
in 1850, page, 811, we read: — "If the balance could be fairly
struck, and the exact truth ascertained, I question whether we
should find that the aggregate mortality from cholera in this country
was in any way disturbed by our craft." A fine commentary this
of one of your own leaders, upon your treatment and skill. Not-
withstanding such testimony, and the still stronger testimony of
statistics, that more patients get well without any treatment than
under yours, is there one of you allopathic physicians in Detroit
who has good sense enough to act according to reason, under such
circumstances, and let your patients alone, and give them no
medicine ? Or do you begin, over, and over again your fatal ex-
periments, guided by no law, with opium, calomel, camphor,
stimmlants, charcoal, &c, &c. ?
We turn from the disgusting medly of allopathy to scientific 4
medicine with pleasure. How stands homceopathy in regard to
^ cTiblfera ? When this disease first crossed the frontier of Europe^
HomaQpathic Journal, l^iZ
^ there was one venerable physician, denounced b)r hts biethMn ae a
qnack, because he professed to have discovered a law, in accordance
with which to administer medicine for the cure of diseases, who eat
in his office, and, without ever having seen a case of the disease,
wraply from the description he obtained of its symptoms, proclaimed*
to his followers that camphor, when given in large doses, produces
symptoms similar lo those of the first stage of cholera, and, there-
fore> according to the law of cure which be had difcovered, it will
cure in this stage of the disease, when given in small doses ; and
that veratrum alb. and cuprum, according to the same law, are the
proper remedies, most frequently required in the seeond stage of
the disease ; and that, as the effects of these last two remedies, very
much resemble the symptoms of the disease as a whole, therefore^
they are the proper preventive remedies. Arsenic and Cerbo Ve-
gitabilis are frequently required in the stage of collapse according
to the same law. Having made these announcementb he waited
with calm confidence for the practical test. He had labored for
} many years amid persecution and trials, had tested personally upon
himself a large number of remedies, and published their effects, and
from these remedies thus proved he had selected the proper reme-
dies (or the cholera, a disease, which, from its fatality and rapidity,
all will admit is admirably adapted to prove the truth or false*
hood and the value of his pretended law of cure. What was
the result ? The cholera made its appearance in Europe. He afid
his followers met it with these untried remedies, in most minute
doses, with a result which astonished the civil authotities, and
eonfoonded his medical opponents. The legal barriers to the
practice of homceopathy were done away in most of the countries
of Europe, and he lived to reap the reward of his labors in quietude.
Wealth, and honor, and a residence in one of the most polished
cities of Europe, were his ; esteem^-d and visited by the most intel-
ligent from all parts of the world, he went df wn to the grave at a
good old age, and has left behind him a name, far^ exceeding all
others in the medical profession ; which will shine brighter and
i brighter, as the vast importance of his diseeveries become ^ore aad
more fuUy known to men.
174 HpnuBopatMc Journal.
As to the comparative success of the two methods. We can
say, from, our own experience, that very few patients die of cholera»
where homoeopathic remedies are used promptly, and when no
other remedies are used. But it often happens, when ahomoeopa*
thic physician is called, that he finds his patient's stomach filled
with crude drugs, and in a most miserable condition for the treat-
ment to show its superiority, and it would be very unfair to judge
of the real value and success of the method by the result of the
treatment of such cases. In order to see the full value of the new
system, in the treatment of patients with cholera, the preventive
remedies should be given during an epidemic of this disease, and
from a given number who take, and an equal number who do not
take them, ascertain how many have the disease, and of those who
have it« how many die in both classes of cases. Experience has
shown that if patients have the disease after taking these preventives
they have it much lighter. But how stands the result of the treat-
ment, under all the disadvantageous circumstances under which
homoeopathy has been practiced, so far as reliable statistics will
As a summary of the whole number of cholera patients treated
wr homcBOpathically, up to 1832, collected by Dr. Peschier, we have :
In Russia, from the documents of Admiral Mordrinoff, there were
IS?*? patients treated : 1394 were cured, 163 died.
In Austria, documents of Pr. Roth and observations of Dr. Shutor»
Hanessch and Quinn, 1406 cases were treated ; 1314 were eured^
and 95 died<
At Berlin, observations of Drs. Stuller and Hayne, there were
82 cases treated : 26 were cured, and 6 died.
At Paris, observation of Dr. Quinn, there were 19 cases treatedt
and 19 cured.
From the foregoing statistics it will be observed, that of 8017 ^
cases, 2753 were cured, and 26^ died ; or a proportion of eight and
a half per cent.
Such results, occurring in portions of country where the mortality
under th<> ordinary methods of treatment varied from fifty to eixtf
or even to seventy per cent., could not fail tp attract atteution.
Homaapathic Journal. 175
\ In the city of Edinbijrgh, where the disease watvery fatal during
the year 1849, out of 236 cases treated by the medical officers of
ihe Edinburgh Homoeopathic Dispensary, one-third died, while of
876 cases treated during the same time by the ordinary method, two
thirds died.
From reports published in our journal, during the year 1849, from
Cincinnati and Sandusky, where the disease prevailed very
extensively, we learn that nine -tenths of all patients treated ho-
mceopathically recovered. From Continental Europe we have
reports in a late journal of the treatment of this disease with equal
The simplicity, mildness, and uniformity of the homoeopathic
treatment, to say nothing of its success, contrasts strangely with
the allopathic treatment. No mixtures are used, thQ largest dosa
given is one drop of the tincture of camphor, no emetics, cathartics,
stimulants, or opiates ; the same remedies are used where there are
similar symptoms, by every homoeopathic physician, whether in
Europe, Asia, or America, and with a result creditable alike to the
system and the wonderful sagacity of the immortal Hahnemann.
Our worthy Mayor having studied the ** Doctor Book around the
bottle" of Conger's wonderful ** Magic Regulator," is just out in
his first manifesto to the citizens of Detroit, in the form of a
public letter, signed " 0. M. Hyde, Mayor of Detroit City," re-
commending, with all the might of his ^ro/emowaZ character, skiH,
and official authority, Conger's ** Liver Pills" and " Magic Regu-
lator," for cholera and all other diseases for which they are recom^
mended in the " Doctor Book around the bottle." The wonderful
medical knowledge which enables him to speak of this nostrum so
knowingly and authoratively, as Mayor, must have been derivod
from said " Doctor Book around the bottle,'* or from having taken
these wonderful medicines himself for cholera, and all other
diseases for which they are recommended in the "Doctor Book
around th& bottle." Being prompted, he says, by a sense of dtrt^.